Nuckolls County in Nebraska uses area code 402. On this page, you will see the physical addresses and contact information of the most relevant government agencies in Nuckolls, including the Clerk’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and the Health Department.
50 W. 2nd
P. O. Box 392
Nelson, NE 68961
Phone: (402) 225-2831
Fax: (402) 225-3014
P. O. Box 392
Nelson, NE 68961
Phone: (402) 225-2831
150 South Main Street
P. O. Box 362
Nelson, NE 68961
Phone: (402) 225-4341
Fax: (402) 225-2373
150 South Main Street
P. O. Box 372
Nelson, NE 68961
Phone: (402) 225-2371
Fax: (402) 225-2373
150 Main St.
Nelson, NE 68961
Phone: (402) 225-3311
150 S. Main St.
P. O. Box 366
Nelson, NE 68961
Phone: (402) 225-4361
Fax: (402) 225-4301
150 South Main Street
P. O. Box 363
Nelson, NE 68961
Phone: (402) 225-4351
150 S. Main
P. O. Box 371
Nelson, NE 68961
Phone: (402) 225-2401
150 Main St.
Nelson, NE 68961
Phone: (402) 225-2831
150 Main St.
Nelson, NE 68961
Phone: (402) 225-2361
P. O. Box 133
Nelson, NE 68961
Phone: (402) 225-4401
606 N. Minnesota
Suite 2
Hastings, NE 68901
Phone: (402) 462-6211
930 Eads Ave.
Hebron, NE 68370
Phone: (402) 768-6117