Nemaha County in Nebraska uses area code 402. On this page, you will see the physical addresses and contact information of the most relevant government agencies in Nemaha, including the Clerk’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and the Health Department.
1805 N. Street
Auburn, NE 68305
Phone: (402) 274-3139
1805 N. St.
Auburn, NE 68305
Phone: (402) 274-4977
1824 N. St. #201
Auburn, NE 68305
Phone: (402) 274-4213
1824 N. Street
Auburn, NE 68305
Phone: (402) 274-3616
Fax: (402) 274-4478
1824 N. Street
Suite 302
Auburn, NE 68305
Phone: (402) 274-3008
1805 N. Street
Auburn, NE 68305
Phone: (402) 274-1105
1824 N. Street
Ste. 201
Auburn, NE 68305
Phone: (402) 274-4213
Fax: (402) 274-4389
1824 N. Street
Auburn, NE 68305
Phone: (402) 274-3319
1824 N. St.
Auburn, NE 68305
Phone: (402) 274-3820
1805 North Street
Auburn, NE 68305
Phone: (402) 274-3139
601 J. St.
Auburn, NE 68305
Phone: (402) 274-2552
P. O. Box 165
Auburn, NE 68305
Phone: (402) 274-3517
2511 Schneider Avenue
Auburn, NE 68305-3054
Phone: (402) 274-3993
Fax: (402) 274-3967
1713 J. St.
Auburn, NE 68305
Phone: (402) 274-4830