Lancaster County in Nebraska uses area code 402. On this page, you will see the physical addresses and contact information of the most relevant government agencies in Lancaster, including the Clerk’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and the Health Department.
575 S. 10th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508
Phone: (402) 441-6500
Fax: (402) 441-8320
575 S. 10th St.
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: (402) 441-6000
575 South 10th Street
3rd Floor
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: (402) 441-7328
Fax: (402) 441-6190
575 South 10th Street
2nd Floor
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: (402) 441-7271
Fax: (402) 441-6055
575 S. 10th Street
4th Floor
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: (402) 441-7321
Fax: (402) 441-7336
555 S. 10th Street
Room 108
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: (402) 441-7481
Fax: (402) 441-8728
625 North 46th Street
Lincoln, NE 68503
Phone: (402) 441-7497
555 S. 10th St.
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: (402) 441-7463
3801 W. O. St.
Lincoln, NE 68528
Phone: (402) 441-1900
1200 Radcliff St.
Suite 200
Lincoln, NE 68512
Phone: (402) 441-7441
1801 Q. St.
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: (402) 441-8350
3140 N. St.
Lincoln, NE 68510
Phone: (402) 441-8000
5905 O. St.
Lincoln, NE 68510
Phone: (402) 436-1000