Greeley County in Nebraska uses area code 308. On this page, you will see the physical addresses and contact information of the most relevant government agencies in Greeley, including the Clerk’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and the Health Department.
P. O. Box 248
Greeley, NE 68842
Phone: (308) 428-2395
Fax: (308) 428-4905
P. O. Box 268
Spalding, NE 68665
Phone: (308) 497-2224
P. O. Box 287
Greeley, NE 68842
Phone: (308) 428-3625
Fax: (308) 428-3022
101 South Kildare Street
P. O. Box 302
Greeley, NE 68842
Phone: (308) 428-2705
Fax: (308) 428-6500
P. O. Box 328
Greeley, NE 68842
Phone: (308) 428-5020
Fax: (308) 428-5023
P. O. Box 287
Greeley, NE 68842
Phone: (308) 428-3625
Fax: (308) 428-3022
101 Kildare
P. O. Box 288
Greeley, NE 68842
Phone: (308) 428-3535
101 South Kildare
P. O. Box 247
Greeley, NE 68842
Phone: (308) 428-5310
101 S. Kildare St.
Greeley, NE 68842
Phone: (308) 428-2395
P. O. Box 26
Spalding, NE 68665
Phone: (308) 497-2409
P. O. Box 327
Greeley, NE 68842
Phone: (308) 428-2545
P. O. Box 995
Burwell NE 68823
Phone: (308) 346-5795
203 North Kildare
Greeley, NE 68842
Phone: (308) 428-3145