Gosper County in Nebraska uses area code 308. On this page, you will see the physical addresses and contact information of the most relevant government agencies in Gosper, including the Clerk’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and the Health Department.
507 Smith Ave.
Elwood, NE 68937
Phone: (308) 785-2420
Fax: (308) 785-2036
507 Smith Ave.
Elwood, NE 68937
Phone: (308) 785-2420
507 Smith Avenue
P. O. Box 136
Elwood, NE 68937
Phone: (308) 785-2611
Fax: (308) 785-2300
507 Smith Avenue
P. O. Box 55
Elwood, NE 68937
Phone: (308) 785-2531
Fax: (308) 785-2300
507 Smith Ave.
Elwood, NE 68937
Phone: (308) 785-2320
507 Smith Ave.
Elwood, NE 68937
Phone: (308) 785-2611
Fax: (308) 785-2300
507 Smith Avenue
P. O. Box 147
Elwood, NE 68937
Phone: (308) 785-2450
507 Smith Ave.
P. O. Box 52
Elwood, NE 68937
Phone: (308) 785-2250
507 Smith Ave.
Elwood, NE 68937
Phone: (308) 785-2420
P. O. Box 306
Elwood, NE 68937
Phone: (308) 785-2035
516 W. 11th Street
Suite 108B.
Kearney, NE 68845
Phone: (888) 669-7154
502 1st Ave.
P. O. Box 107
Elwood, Nebraska 68937
Phone: (308) 785-2491
Fax: (308) 785-2322