Garfield County in Nebraska uses area code 308. On this page, you will see the physical addresses and contact information of the most relevant government agencies in Garfield, including the Clerk’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and the Health Department.
P. O. Box 455
Burwell, NE 68823
Phone: (308) 346-5150
Fax: (308) 346-5064
404 Grand Ave.
Burwell, NE 68823
Phone: (308) 346-5301
250 South 8th Avenue
P. O. Box 218
Burwell, NE 68823
Phone: (308) 346-4161
Fax: (308) 346-4651
250 South 8th Avenue
P. O. Box 431
Burwell, NE 68823
Phone: (308) 346-4123
Fax: (308) 346-4069
455 Grand Avenue
P. O. Box 310
Burwell, NE 68823
Phone: (308) 346-4392
Fax: (308) 346-5402
P. O. Box 218
Burwell, NE 68823
Phone: (308) 346-4161
Fax: (308) 346-4651
250 South 8 th Street
P. O. Box 511
Burwell, NE 68823
Phone: (308) 346-4125
250 S 8th St.
P. O. Box 411
Burwell, NE 68823
Phone: (308) 346-4045
250 S 8th Ave.
Burwell, NE 68823
Phone: (308) 346-5150
P. O. Box 481
Burwell, NE 68823
Phone: (308) 346-4006
P. O. Box 995
Burwell NE 68823
Phone: (308) 346-5795
190 I Street
Burwell, Nebraska 68823
Phone: (308) 346-4150