Furnas County in Nebraska uses area code 308. On this page, you will see the physical addresses and contact information of the most relevant government agencies in Furnas, including the Clerk’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and the Health Department.
912 R. Street
Beaver City, NE 68926
Phone: (308) 268-2245
Fax: (308) 268-2345
912 R. St.
Beaver City, NE 68926
Phone: (308) 268-2245
912 R. Street
P. O. Box 413
Beaver City, NE 68926
Phone: (308) 268-4015
Fax: (308) 268-4015
P. O. Box 373
Beaver City, NE 68926
Phone: (308) 268-4025
Fax: (308) 268-4025
912 R. Street
P. O. Box 372
Beaver City, NE 68926
Phone: (308) 268-4135
Fax: (308) 268-4025
P. O. Box 387
Beaver City, NE 68926
Phone: (308) 268-4145
Fax: (308) 268-3205
912 R. Street
P. O. Box 407
Beaver City, NE 68926
Phone: (308) 268-2195
912 R. St.
P. O. Box 368
Beaver City, NE 68926
Phone: (308) 268-3145
912 R. St.
Beaver City, NE 68926
Phone: (308) 268-2245
301 10th Street
Beaver, Nebraska 68926
Phone: (308) 268-2145
404 West 10th Street
P. O. Box 1235
McCook, NE 69001
Phone: (308) 345-4223
515 Jewell St.
Alma, NE 68920
Phone: (308) 928-2131