Sioux County in Nebraska uses area code 308. On this page, you will see the physical addresses and contact information of the most relevant government agencies in Sioux, including the Clerk’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and the Health Department.
P. O. Box 305
Harrison, NE 69346
Phone: (308) 668-2418
Fax: (308) 668-2419
P. O. Box 305
Harrison, NE 69346
Phone: (308) 668-2418
325 Main Street
P. O. Box 158
Harrison, NE 69346
Phone: (308) 668-2443
Fax: (308) 668-2443
325 Main Street
P. O. Box 477
Harrison, NE 69346
Phone: (308) 668-2475
Fax: (308) 668-2426
P. O. Box 156
Harrison, NE 69346
Phone: (308) 668-2466
Fax: (308) 668-2467
P. O. Box 158
Harrison, NE 69346
Phone: (308) 668-2443
P. O. Box 276
Harrison, NE 69346
Phone: (308) 668-2422
P. O. Box 158
Harrison, NE 69346
Phone: (308) 668-2401
409 Main St.
Harrison, NE 69346
Phone: (308) 668-2418
250 Main St.
Chadron, NE 69337
Phone: (308) 432-2251
P. O. Box 213
Harrison, NE 69346
Phone: (308) 668-2414
P. O. Box 337
Hemingford, NE 69348
Phone: (308) 487-3600
435 Kate Street
P. O. Box 38
Harrison, NE 69346
Phone: (308) 668-2415